April 26, 2017: Senator the Honourable Clarence Rambharat, Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, on Wednesday 26th April, 2017, attended the launch of the National Aid for Trade Strategy (2016-2019), led by the Ministry of Trade and Industry. ‘It is a document that I have read from cover to cover’ said the Agriculture Minister of the fifty-two page document that was available to all attendees.
The Cabinet-approved Strategy presents a coherent framework of trade priorities, based on stakeholders’ views about the challenges they face in expanding trade. The Strategy is expected to assist donors, investors and international development partners in deciding where best to channel their resources to assist Trinidad and Tobago to further develop trade, since it ‘outlines priority areas and projects that are in line with Government’s plans and policies’. The priorities are under three pillars, namely Export Diversification, Competitiveness and Trade Facilitation.
Under export diversification, the agriculture sector can see funding support being accessed or received for ‘building the productive capacity of sectors targeted for diversification’, particularly in agriculture and agro-processing and fishing and fish processing. Under competitiveness, plans are for ‘development and implementation of Quality Management Systems’ (QMS) in selected food sectors, with stakeholders requesting urgent assistance in developing QMS in industries producing raw and processed foods, particularly for training, technical assistance and financial resources for the purchase of equipment and upgrading facilities. The priority industries identified are Cocoa, Seafood, Aquaculture and Agro-processed products.
Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, Senator the Honourable Clarence Rambharat cloely studies the final document presented to all attendees at the event.
Members of the audience, which included Permanent Secretaries from the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries; Planning and Development; and Tourism.
Minister Rambharat speaks with members of the media after the Launch Event.
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The Corporate Communications Unit
Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries