April 28, 2017:
The Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (T&TEC) will activate a hotline service to ensure that there are no interruptions to the electricity service at Secondary Entrance Examination (SEA) Centres on the day of the examination – Thursday 4th May 2017.
From 3:00 p.m. the day before exam (3rd May) to 3:00 p.m. on exam day, Principals and Supervisors can call or text the T&TEC hotline at 794-4823 or 794-7264 to report any disruption in their electricity service or any electrical safety concerns.
There are no planned interruptions scheduled for exam day. T&TEC extends best of luck to SEA students in their examination. T&TEC remains committed to providing a reliable supply of electricity service and reminds its customers that any other service interruptions can be reported through its usual trouble Report number - 800-TTEC (8832).
For further information, please contact:
Corporate Communications Manager
Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission
Tel. 623-2611 ext. 2176