May 19, 2017: “Start minding your own money business more.” This strong advice was given by the facilitator of the “Managing the Economic Downturn as Parents” Workshop, a project of the Community Mediation Services Division of the Ministry of Community Development, Culture and the Arts.
Representing the National Financial Literacy Programme’s office of the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago, Ms Camille Ramdial told a very receptive Parent Support Group Workshop at the St Mary’s Parish Hall in Tacarigua on Wednesday May 17, 2017 that more parents need to be financially responsible and the only way to do that is through education. Ms Ramdial advised the parenting support groups in attendance on how they can cope as a family through difficult financial times.
Participants at this Parenting Workshop were given some secrets of money management in the home, from being encouraged to write down a monthly budget, measuring assets and debts understanding your net-worth and keeping emergency funds.
Also addressing the event was Dr the Honourable Nyan Gadsby-Dolly Minister of Community Development Culture and the Arts who challenged parents to train their children to be fiscally prudent. She says it is important for children to understand the work and effort it takes for parents to provide for a family noting that this knowledge will allow more children to understand the sacrifices that parents make daily on their behalf. Minister Gadsby-Dolly saluted the team from the Mediation Division for co-ordinating the event and working with parenting groups.
She noted that in the world of work training is provided, but when it comes to parenting, which could be argued is the most important job ever, there is no manual. Thus making the work of the Mediation Division through the parenting groups essential to the nation.
This Parent Support Group Workshop was the second in a two part series of seminars geared towards parenting.
For more information contact the Mediation Services Division Head Office, Jobco Building, Frederick Street, Port of Spain at: 225-4267.
One of the presenters makes her point during the workshop
Participants listen attentively to the presentations