April 15, 2016: This week, the Consumer Affairs Division published a price survey of one hundred and sixteen (116) items across forty - two (42) supermarkets in twenty (20) areas in Trinidad. The selected products, which impact consumers across all income groups, were derived from a Basket of Goods Survey conducted by the Consumer Affairs Division in 2014. The Division continues to use this basket of selected goods to monitor prices on a monthly basis and ensures to inform the Public accordingly.
In keeping with the on-going education drive, the Consumer Affairs Advocates have been visiting organizations in the North, South, East and Central parts of Trinidad. Some of the organizations include; the Environmental Management Authority (South), Princes Town Public Library, Debe Public Library, Arima Central Secondary School and the National Library and Information System (NALIS). Consumers were all educated about their rights and responsibilities and as a result are now empowered to make the right choices. The modern consumer is entitled to the right of access to essential goods, service, healthcare and sanitation; the right to a healthy environment and sustainable environment and the right to consumer education.
If you are interested in having a team of Advocates visit your Organization, please contact the Consumer Affairs Division via Facebook (consumeraffairstt) or send an e-mail to consumeraffairsdivision@gov.tt.
Ms. Anisha Ramadhar of the Consumer Affairs Division, lecturing Staff of Environmental Management Authority, South.
For further information please contact:
The Corporate Communications Unit
Ministry of Trade and Industry
868-623-2931 ext. 2722