On January 15, 2018 a one-day Anti-Counterfeit Training for Customs, Police and other Enforcement Agencies on Enforcement issues in Intellectual Property will be held in Trinidad and Tobago. This activity has been organized by the Anti Counterfeit & Brand Protection Agency operating in Latin America and the Caribbean, DISOSA Brand Protection & Corporate Services (DISOSA BPS) in collaboration with the Trinidad and Tobago Intellectual Property Office (TTIPO).
The training is intended to address several pertinent areas such as the importance of the enforcement of copyright and trademark and more particularly, the role of the enforcement agencies in intellectual property enforcement.
The exponential growth of piracy and counterfeit products over the years has been a cause for major concern in light of their impact on consumers, brand owners as well as on economic growth. An efficient and effectively enforced intellectual property infrastructure is necessary to avoid intellectual property rights infringements that result in economic harm. It is against this background that this training seeks to promote the importance of intellectual property protection and enforcement as vital for economic development.
The challenges of enforcement of intellectual property legislation in Trinidad and Tobago and the wider Caribbean is multifaceted. Our enforcement agencies however, continue to play a fundamental role in the deterrence of access to counterfeit and pirated goods.
For further information, please visit: http://www.ipo.gov.tt/.