Minister of Rural Development and Local Government Haji Kazim Hosein along with Ministry officials attended the Statutory Meeting of the San Fernando City Corporation on Wednesday.
This was the first Statutory Meeting held by the Council for 2018, and the ninth Municipal Corporation Statutory Meeting that has been attended by the Ministry. Statutory Meetings take place in every Municipal Corporation on the last Wednesday of each month and are open to the public.
Proceedings in San Fernando began with the observance of a moment of silence for the passing of former president of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago George Maxwell Richards as well as the mother of former Minister of Local Government Chandresh Sharma, Mrs. Shanthi Devee Sharma.
Minister Haji Kazim Hosein updated the Members of Council and Administration on the recently completed preliminary recruitment process for Municipal Police Constables conducted by the Statutory Authorities Service Commission. Increasing the complement of the Municipal Police Service is one pillar of local government reform, Minister Hosein stated, further saying, “We will grow the Municipal Police service to be 1,107 officers strong, and restore the sense of citizen safety and security in every community.”
The Minister also outlined the ongoing selection process for garbage selection services, for which the Ministry has engaged the Trinidad and Tobago Solid Waste Management Company Limited (SWMCOL). This process will now allow small contractors, with only truck, the opportunity to gain employment within their community.
Both these initiatives by the Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government are components local government reform. These and other elements continue to move forward as the Ministry awaits the finalization of the legislative amendments required for full implementation.
Minister Hosein reiterated his commitment to working with the Council in San Fernando and all Municipalities saying, “Reaching the people, in every corner of the island, is the biggest component of local government reform. And together, we will get it done.”