Residents of Upper Malabar, Arima and environs were given access to free medical care, eye care, blood pressure and sugar testing, psycho-social support, counselling, pharmaceutical supplies, massage therapy and apparel on January 28th during a Medical Clinic hosted by the Malabar/Arima Non-Government Organisation (MANGO). The Ministry of Social Development and Family Services was pleased to participate in this activity which took place at the Upper Malabar Community Centre.
Through the National Family Services Division, residents were provided with free counselling/psycho-social support and parental support. Social Welfare staff also provided information on the Ministry’s suite of social services including its social assistance grants.
Other participating agencies at the medical clinic were, The Islamic Health and Social Association Network and the Association of Massage Therapy of Trinidad and Tobago.
Chairperson of the Malabar/Arima Non-Government Organisation, Kerry-Ann Sudama thanked the Ministry for participating in the medical clinic as scores of persons were grateful to access information on the Ministry’s services.