The Board of the Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (PATT) and the Management of Trinidad and Tobago Inter-Island Transport Company Limited(TTIT) are committed to providing an inter-island ferry service that is reliable, uninterrupted and safe for the people of Trinidad and Tobago.
As such, our Captains of the Ferries are guided by, the international website which is used by mariners to track wave height in open seas to determine whether the conditions are safe to sail the vessels.
The latest weather update is predicting weather conditions with waves within a range of 7 – 12ft from Wednesday 07th– Monday 12th February, 2018. This recent development will pose a challenge to the captain as he cautiously manoeuvres the vessel to/from Tobago. The travelling public is therefore advised that these conditions will be monitored and if necessary, the sailings of the T&T Express may be affected. At this time we regret to advise that the 12.00 noon sailing from POS (today) Wednesday 07th February will be cancelled.
The Board of PATT and Management of TTIT recognizes the essential nature of this service to our loyal passengers who, over the years, have supported and have made the ferry service their preferred mode of transport between the islands. However, if the situation persists a decision will be made to cancel all sailings, rather than expose our passengers and the vessel to significant risks.
The public is assured that at all times the best decision will be made for our valued customers as we continue to work towards a more reliable service on the inter-island sea-bridge.