April 25, 2016: On Tuesday April 19th, the National HIV/AIDS Workplace Advocacy and Sustainability Centre (HASC) of the Ministry of Labour and Small Enterprise Development recently facilitated a group sensitization session with member organisations of the Employers’ Consultative Association (ECA) at their Aranguez office.
Under the theme “HIV and AIDS: Making the Workplace A Supportive Environment” presentations and discussions were focused on the need to address HIV/ AIDS as a workplace issue.
In her Opening Remarks, Mrs. Jocelyn Francois-Opedayi, Chief Executive Officer of the ECA indicated that “as an Employers’ organisation, our role is to guide, educate and provide practical support to our members in order to develop a non-discriminatory workplace policy on HIV and AIDS. Our aim is to encourage sustainable change in society in the way we deal with the HIV pandemic.”
Being extremely pleased with the session and the lively discussions that followed, Mrs. Francois-Opedayi pledged her organisation’s support to work closely with the HASC to make all workspaces free of HIV- related stigma and discrimination and encouraged member organisations of the ECA to do the same as HIV and AIDS affects us all.
Caption: Ms. Angelina Philip, Advocacy Officer of HASC, discussing the key principles of the ILO Code of Practice on HIV&AIDS and the World of Work
For more information please contact:
Ministry of Labour and Small Enterprise Development
Head Office
Level 5 & 6,
Tower C,
International Waterfront Centre
#1 Wrightson Road,
Port of Spain.
Tel: (868) 625-8478