The Ministry of Works and Transport wishes to advise the public of the temporary closure of the M2 Ring Road from Papourie Road Intersection (traffic light) to SS Erin Road Intersection (Debe market), from Wednesday 23rd May, 2018 to Friday 25th May, 2018 from 7AM to 5PM. This is necessary to facilitate the construction to two (2) road crossings (across the M2 Ring Road) in the vicinity of the U.W.I. St. Augustine Debe/Penal South Campus Main Entrance. Access to and from Papourie Road and also the SS Erin Road will be will be facilitated as follows:
1. Motorists travelling in a northerly direction along the SS Erin Road who wish to gain access to Papourie Road will have to turn right on to Wellington Road.
2. Motorists travelling in a southerly direction along the SS Erin Road/Off SHH Southbound who wish to gain access to Papourie Road will have to use Wellington Road.
3. Motorists travelling in a southerly direction along Papourie Road from Picton Village will have to continue southwards after the traffic lights and turn right onto Wellington Road, to gain access to SS Erin Road /Debe and the Sir Solomon Hochoy Highway.
4. Motorists travelling in a northerly direction along Papourie Road will have to turn left on to Wellington Road to gain access to SS Erin Road /Debe and the Sir Solomon Hochoy Highway.
5. Motorists travelling in a westerly direction along the M2 Ring Road on reaching the traffic lights at Papourie Road intersection will have to turn left on to Papourie Road and then turn right on to Wellington Road to gain access to SSErin Road/Debe and the Sir Solomon Hochoy Highway.
6. Local traffic will be allowed along the M2 Ring from the Debe High School to the traffic light intersection at the Debe Market