April 25, 2016: Representatives of the International Labour Organization (ILO) paid a courtesy visit on Permanent Secretary Jacinta Bailey-Sobers at the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services on Thursday April 21, 2016 to discuss issues surrounding social protection in Trinidad and Tobago. Accompanying ILO’s Director of the Social Protection Department, Isabel Ortiz, were her colleagues, Mr Ariel Pino and Ms Claudia Coenjaerts, Director ILO Decent Work Team Caribbean.
Ms Isabel Ortiz and her team indicated that they are engaging with a number of countries to ensure social protection for vulnerable persons. She further suggested that the Ministry’s poverty consultations be used to highlight the importance of an integrated social protection response in this country. She also highlighted that while many countries dependant on oil and gas revenue, like Trinidad and Tobago have felt the impacts of the downturn, it was imperative that Trinidad and Tobago develop an overarching system to assist those who are affected.
Mr. Ariel Pino, expressed his organization’s willingness to provide assistance to the Ministry by means of strategic tools that will help develop the Ministry’s ability to track expenditure and refine the Ministry’s targeted approach to social protection. PS Sobers articulated that an evaluation and review of the programmes and initiatives offered by the Ministry is intrinsic to better targeting individuals who need assistance most. Bailey-Sobers welcomed the delegation’s offers of assistance and expressed the Ministry’s willingness to collaborate with the ILO in an effort to add value to the lives of the indigent and vulnerable in Trinidad and Tobago.
Permanent Secretary Jacinta Bailey-Sobers presents a token to ILO’s Director of the Social Protection Department, Isabel Ortiz.
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Ministry of Social Development and Family Services
868-623-2608 Ext. 5405/5424/5432