I wish to extend sincere greetings to the Roman Catholic community on the occasion of the celebration of the Feast of Corpus Christi.
Today, millions of Catholics around the world will renew their conviction and belief in the real presence of the body and blood of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. The commemoration of this event is integral to the expression of the Catholic tradition and provides an opportunity for believers to reflect on the tenets of their faith.
It also allows believers to participate in both a display of outward faith and a deeper, more personal commitment to God. The rituals of the day will enable the faithful to reflect on the compassion shown by Jesus Christ and his concern for the spiritual well-being of his people. The celebration of the Eucharist is a potent reminder of the presence of God in our daily lives, providing peace, comfort and hope.
In Trinidad and Tobago, the active participation of every creed and race in the celebrations is testament to the tolerance and respect our citizens have for one another. I am truly grateful for the diversity and acceptance embedded in our national ethos which enables us to appreciate and celebrate our rich heritage.
Many citizens will take this opportunity to observe the processions taking place in almost every parish while others will use the occasion to relax and to spend time with their loved ones. These occasions reinforce the importance of fostering strong and resilient family units and strengthening community ties.
The relevance of these bonds to the building of a stable and cohesive society should be understood by every citizen. It is equally imperative that time is set aside for introspection and self-evaluation to promote functional and thriving individuals, families and communities.
In this regard, Corpus Christi is indeed an appropriate occasion to reflect on the need to adequately invest in our communities. On this day, many citizens will plant seeds and crops with the hope of securing an abundant harvest. It is therefore instructive that as a nation, we carefully consider the nature of our contributions to society as we desire to obtain a more prosperous and secure future.
With these things in mind, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, I convey best wishes to the national community for a safe and meaningful celebration of Corpus Christi.