Prime Minister Dr the Honourable Keith Rowley and Minister of Communications, Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister and Minister in the Office of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs, the Honourable Stuart Young met with a high- level delegation from BHP Billiton at the Diplomatic Centre on July 25, 2018.
Steve Pastor, Global President Petroleum BHP Billiton led the delegation which included Derek Cardno, Vice President Drilling, Vincent Pereira, President BHP Trinidad and Tobago and Sheldon Narine Corporate Affairs Advisor.
The team provided the Prime Minister with an update on their recent drilling programme, including deep-water drilling, seismic work and future plans in Trinidad and Tobago.
The meeting also focused on the important role Trinidad and Tobago plays in BHP’s oil and gas business. BHP expressed gratitude for the positive working relationship it enjoys with Trinidad and Tobago and reiterated that it intends to continue investing in this country in the coming decades.