On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) is currently coordinating assessments of all critical infrastructure, government buildings, and roadways subsequent to seismic activity.
Priority has been given to the completion of the Initial Damage Assessments (IDAs) and Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (DANAs) across all sectors, with the focus being directed to governmental/ government-used critical facilities, inclusive of educational institutions and other building stock.
This follows the 6.9 magnitude earthquake felt across Trinidad and Tobago on Tuesday 21st August, 2018 at 5:31 p.m., the 6.0 magnitude aftershock on Wednesday 22nd August, 2018 at 9:28 a.m. and the 4.0 magnitude aftershock felt on Thursday 23rd August, 2018 at 6:44 a.m.
Aftershocks will continue and some may be at a magnitude large enough to be felt. Citizens are reminded to STAY CALM.
At this time, there are no reports of serious injury, loss of life or significant damage to critical infrastructure.
The NEOC continues to warn against the creation and circulation of fake content (i.e., news, photographs, memes, etc.) which can cause unnecessary panic or concern to citizens and visitors. As citizens, we must continue to display patriotism by looking out for one another. Representatives from various state agencies continue to be stationed at the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) to maintain general situational awareness, to verify information for public updates and to coordinate the assessment process.
The Ministry of Works and Transport (MOWT) has prepared a list of government/government-used facilities to be assessed. Requests were made for inspections on eighty (80) buildings which includes twenty (20) schools. Of the eighty (80), seventy-eight (78) inspections were completed. An additional fifty-five (55) schools are now scheduled for assessment. Additional facilities will be inspected today.
The Trinidad and Tobago Fire Service (TTFS) will continue the inspection of government/government-used facilities, inclusive of schools. The TTFS and MOWT are coordinating to conduct the assessments of schools. The Jean Pierre Complex and Hasely Crawford Stadium remains closed, and are scheduled to be inspected today. The MOWT and the Urban Development Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago (UDECOTT) completed assessments on seventy-eight (78) governmental/ government-used facilities.
Two (2) public facilities (The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and the Anglican Holy Trinity Cathedral) were inspected and deemed structurally unsafe. These were closed until further notice. The Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government (MRDLG) has reported that Initial Damage Assessments (IDAs) were completed in Arima, Sangre Grande, Mayaro/Rio Claro, Couva/Tabaquite/Talparo, Port of Spain, Chaguanas and Point Fortin. Assessments for the other seven (7) Corporations are ongoing. Three hundred and twenty-six (326) reports of structural damages were received, and of those reports, two hundred and seventeen (217) were completed to date.
The roadway to the Devil’s Woodyard Mud Volcano in New Grant, Princes Town was reopened. Both the Devil’s Woodyard and the Piparo Mud Volcano have returned to a state of normalcy.
The Tobago Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) has informed that damage assessments in Tobago remain at eighty percent (80%) completed due to the inclusion of four (4) additional government facilities to be assessed. There are no reports of significant damage to critical infrastructure in Tobago at this time. TEMA is currently conducting further assessments.
TEMA confirmed the following twenty (20) assessments were completed to this time: Sixteen (16) cases of structural damage to residential properties; two (2) cases of structural damage to institutions and two (2) cases of structural damage to commercial properties.\Primarily, there are no reports of major structural damage to Police Stations. The MOWT will complete inspection of the Toco Police Station tomorrow. The Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed that all health facilities across Trinidad and Tobago are operational. Elective surgeries have been suspended at all hospitals, only emergency cases will be performed.
The North West Regional Health Authority (NWRHA) supported by the Ministry of Health and the North Central Regional Health Authority (NCRHA) in the relocation of all patients housed at the Central Block, Port of Spain General Hospital (POSGH), to other wards within the Port of Spain General Hospital, Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex and Caura Chest Hospital. The Ministry of Health wishes to assure that these patients continue to have access to the required health personnel, medication, medical technology and support services.
All clinics at Port of Spain General Hospital (POSGH) except Haematology are functional, including physiotherapy, endoscopy, renal dialysis, physical medicine and rheumatology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The MOH Sacred Heart Building at Sackville Street, POS remains closed to staff and members of the public. The Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries (MALF) has reported that fifty (50) farmers were affected by a major landslide on agricultural state lands, in the vicinity of Royal Engineer Road (Beach Road), Los Iros Erin. Approximately fifty (50) acres of land was affected. The crops damaged were vegetable and tree crops. Additionally, the existing irrigation ponds and farmhouses are to be repaired. The MRDLG and the MALF are currently working to address the situation.
The Caroni County Farmers at Felicity Chaguanas reported liquefaction on areas of their farmlands. The number of farmers, crop damage, and the size of the affected area is to be confirmed.
The Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries (MEEI) has reported that the energy sector companies have, so far, indicated that there have been no visible structural damage to offshore and onshore infrastructure, although assessments are currently ongoing.
The Housing Development Corporation (HDC) dispatched a cross-functional team to conduct structural damage assessments at all HDC communities. The inspection of HDC buildings revealed there are no major damages except to isolated instances of hairline cracks and damaged staircases at Mora Heights, Rio Claro. The HDC has mobilised contractors and staff to resolve the damages at Mora Heights, Rio Claro.
The Ministry of Education has confirmed that inspections are being conducted by the Trinidad and Tobago Fire Service (TTFS) of the nation’s school and school laboratories.
The Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) conducted water quality testing on all major water treatment plants. There has been no compromise on water quality. WASA will continue to conduct inspections of all their facilities.
The Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (T&TEC) has confirmed that their service has normalised and routine operations are in progress.
The Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago (TSTT) has confirmed that there are no incidents at this time. Damage Assessments and Needs Analysis (DANAs), and Damage and Loss Assessments (DALAs) will continue across Trinidad and Tobago.
Citizens impacted that require assistance with conducting inspections, following the development of cracks or signs of damage have been advised to contact their respective Municipal Corporation or the Tobago Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) through its toll-free hotline number (please see the attached contact listing). If a government agency requires an assessment to be conducted to their facility please contact the Ministry of Works and Transport Hotline at 625-6813.
All first responder agencies and support agencies are on alert to assist in the event of aftershocks. The ODPM continues to remind citizens of the following in the event of aftershocks:
· If inside stay inside, do not run out of the building as you may be injured by falling debris.
· If inside, DROP, COVER and HOLD ON until the shaking stops.