May 5, 2016: The Honourable Anthony Garcia, Minister of Education wishes to express his gratitude to all students, parents, teachers, principals and Ministry officials for their contribution to the successful conduct of this year’s Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA).
Reports from our Education District offices as well as Tobago confirm an incident-free exercise. The examination began at 9:00 am simultaneously across the country. Students wrote the Mathematics paper followed by the Language Arts paper, according to schedule.
The Ministry of Education is also pleased to report that for the first time in as many years there were absolutely no adverse reports concerning the conduct of the examination. All teachers assigned as supervisors and invigilators were at their posts on time which facilitated a prompt start to the exam at 9:00 am.
A total number of 18,215 children from 545 schools across Trinidad and Tobago wrote the SEA. 9,163 boys and 9,052 girls were tested on their skills in Mathematics, Language Arts and Creative Writing for placement into a Secondary School. This will be the last year for students to be marked under the Continuous Assessment Component (CAC) system following Cabinet’s decision todiscontinue this component of the SEA.
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The Corporate Communications Division
Ministry of Education