The National Trust of Trinidad and Tobago is pleased to present its Timeline Lecture Series 2018: Celebrating our Diversity. These lectures will be presented from 5:00pm on Wednesday 14th, 21st and 28th November at the Old Fire Station Building, Hart and Abercromby Street, Port of Spain.
The Timeline Lecture Series focuses on the history of the people of Trinidad and Tobago in an effort to promote a greater awareness and appreciation of our heritage. The lectures in this series are as follows:
- Wednesday 7th November The Warao Nation in Trinidad
Venue: Presentation College, San Fernando
- Wednesday 14th November The Merikins: The Forgotten Freedom Fighters (film)
- Wednesday 21st November The Chinese in Trinidad
Presenter: Dr. Robert Lee
- Wednesday 28th November The History of the Cocoa Panyol in Trinidad
Presenter: Dr. Sylvia Moodie-Kublalsingh
The National Trust of Trinidad and Tobago, established by Act No.11 of 1991 is the national agency responsible for safeguarding the tangible heritage of Trinidad and Tobago. Its mandate is to preserve, protect and provide information and access to the country’s built and natural heritage.
Contact the National Trust via telephone at 225-4750 / 706-6316 or email: