Cabinet appointed Empowered Negotiations Team continued negotiations with British Petroleum Trinidad and Tobago (BPTT) and Shell Trinidad and Tobago Limited.
The team is lead by Senator the Honourable Franklin Khan, Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and the Honourable Stuart Young, Minister of Communications and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister and Minister of National Security and is assisted by Poten and Partners and international law firm White and Case.
Representing BPTT were Vice President of Planning and Commercial Operations Mr. Richard Eaton and Regional President Ms. Claire Fitzpatrick and team, and representing Shell Trinidad and Tobago were Vice President and Country Chairman Dereck Hudson and team.
The Empowered Negotiation Team continues its negotiations and deliberations to achieve better revenues for Trinidad and Tobago. The meeting was conducted today at the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries head office at Energy Tower, International Waterfront Centre #1 Wrightson Road Port of Spain