Tourists Sally Wilson, 72 and her 74-year-old husband, Michael, left Trinidad and Tobago for their United Kingdom (UK) home on Sunday evening (December 30).
The Wilsons arrived here on December 26, 2018 (Boxing Day) with more than 3,000 other passengers on the MSC Preziosa cruise line but were unable to leave on its scheduled departure later that day because Mrs Wilson was injured during a robbery at the Queen’s Park Savannah. She received medical attention at the Port-of-Spain General Hospital and subsequently expressed gratitude for the assistance provided following the incident.
The Minister of Tourism, the Honourable Randall Mitchell is expected to meet with the Minister of National Security, the Honourable Stuart Young and the Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith, early in the New Year, to review and improve security arrangements for visitors to our country.
Minister Mitchell said: “This was the first such incident involving a cruise ship passenger in recent memory and is an occasion for pause and re-evaluation of the measures we put in place for the safe and enjoyable stay of our visitors.” He said: “The TTPS has always been one of the more effective agencies involved in planning for cruise calls and the strong working relationship will continue through this re-evaluation.”
He stressed: “The goal is always to be constructive and to continually improve.”
The Wilsons left on a British Airways flight to the UK, via St Lucia, around 7.30pm.
Before boarding they warmly chatted with officials of the Ministry of Tourism and others who were at the Piarco International Airport for their departure.
They came on the Caribbean cruise to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.
The Ministry of Tourism thanks the Wilsons for their graciousness following the unfortunate incident.
We also thank the taxi driver for his prompt assistance in taking them to the hospital, the staff at the Port of Spain General Hospital, the Hilton Trinidad Hotel for accommodating them for their anniversary observances and all others who provided the care, friendship and hospitality that our island nation is known for.