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Trade and Industry Minister tours ‘Tobago Good Foods’ Project

Caption: Minister of Trade and Industry, Senator the Honourable Gopee-Scoon (2nd from right), listens intently to one of the producers during her visit to one of the successful 'Tobago Good Foods' projects. (Photo courtesy the Ministry of Trade and Industry)

May 9, 2016:  Senator the Honourable Paula Gopee-Scoon, Minister of Trade and Industry visited successful projects of the ‘Tobago Good Foods Project’ on May 6, 2016, from Carnbee Gardens to Charlotteville Estates, including Adventure Eco Villas; The Villas of Stonehaven, and the site of DMV Farms.

At a media briefing, the Trade Minister noted that ‘this project is a fascinating one; it certainly epitomizes what you can do with little.  Coming out of this is a satisfaction of local markets and the earning of foreign exchange through the export of these products.  The Ministry will continue to partner with the Tobago House of Assembly.  I am really pleased with the collaboration, we are working well together.  The products that are produced here are of a quality that the market is the rest of the world’.  Senator Gopee-Scoon also outlined the various products and improved services that the Project’s beneficiaries are now offering, including herbs and spices, processed fruit jams and jellies, goat milk, permaculture, among others.

Assemblyman Joel Jack, Secretary for Finance and Enterprise Development echoed the Minister’s statement on collaboration, stating ‘once this sector is developed it can contribute to the island’s GDP … more importantly given the current economic climate and challenges facing the nation, this project has merit as we work together.  All towards ensuring that we have a very thriving export driven private sector.  The Assembly will continue to support a number of these projects to ensure their viability and their long term success.  If these projects succeed, Tobago succeeds and we succeed as a whole.  I want to encourage the producers to seize the opportunity.  I am further heartened and enthused by the possibilities of Tobago’s products for export’.

Also addressing the media were Assemblyman Godwin Adams, Secretary for Agriculture, Marine Affairs and the Environment and Mr. Gabrielle de Gaetano, Director-Tobago Affairs, European Business Chamber in Trinidad and Tobago.

On display at the Media Briefing were products by Glorious Farms – who grows about 100 types of seasonings, Foragers’ Finest Honey and Hampden Honey.

The touring delegation, led by Mr. Gabrielle de Gaetano, included Assemblyman Joel Jack, Secretary for Finance and Enterprise Development; Assemblyman Godwin Adams, Secretary for Agriculture, Marine Affair and the Environment; Ms. Karlene Roach, Deputy Permanent Secretary (Ag.), MTI; Mrs. Yolande Agard-Simmons, Manager, Corporate Communications, MTI; Mr. Ramzan Hosein, Projects Administrative/Financial Manager, MTI; and Mr. Michael Gordon, Manager – Enterprise Development, Ministry of Labour and Small Enterprise Development.


The Tobago Good Foods Project of the European Business Chamber in Trinidad and Tobago (EUROCHAMTT), promotes food from producers that practice good agricultural and processing practices that respect the environment and promote community and sustainable development, and is financed with a contribution from the Enabling Competitive Business Strategy (ECB Strategy), a programme of the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Labour and Small and Micro Enterprise Development.  The ECB Strategy is the focal point for financial support of the European Union.  The main purpose of this project is to facilitate the expansion and upgrade of groups of producers and agro processors in Tobago who practice sustainable and natural agriculture consistent with eco labels.


Minister Gopee-Scoon, along with Assemblymen Jack and Adams engage in discussions with some of the Project beneficiaries


(left-right) Gabrielle deGatano, Assemblyman Adams, Senator Gopee-Scoon, Assemblyman Jack.  Back row – Project beneficiaries


Trade Minister on tour at Carnbee Gardens


Minister Gopee-Scoon at Flagstaff Hill, Charlotteville




For further information please contact

The Corporate Communications Unit

Ministry of Trade and Industry


Ministry of Trade and Industry
Tobago House of Assembly
Assemblyman Godwin Adams
Secretary for Agriculture Marine Affairs
Paula Gopee-Scoon
Minister of Trade and Industry

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