The situation involving Trinidad and Tobago nationals being ‘kidnapped’ and currently held in Venezuela has been attracting the attention of the Ministry of National Security.
This matter is on-going and at a very sensitive stage. Accordingly, details and specific information surrounding the circumstances of this matter cannot be provided at this time.
The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) is managing the investigation here in Trinidad and has communicated with INTERPOL and made requests for assistance through diplomatic channels. The TTPS has no jurisdiction outside of Trinidad and Tobago.
The Ministry of National Security uses this opportunity to remind commentators to be cautious in their utterances and condemnation of how the matter is being handled and the circumstances surrounding the matter as they are not privy to the facts and intelligence of this matter.
The Minister of National Security, the Honourable Stuart R. Young, M.P. would also like to remind nationals of Trinidad and Tobago that they should be aware of the risks of leaving our territorial waters and venturing into the territorial waters of other countries where we have no jurisdiction. The information surrounding this matter is that the Trinidadian individuals involved were abducted in Venezuelan river tributaries within the mainland of Venezuela.
The Ministry of National Security will continue to monitor this situation and provide all of the material assistance that it can.