The Ministry of Health has received Twenty Thousand, Three Hundred (20,300) additional doses of the influenza vaccine through the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) for distribution to public health facilities across Trinidad and Tobago.
The Ministry of Health continues to urge persons who fall into key at-risk groups to get vaccinated. These persons include:
- Children aged 6 months to 5 years
- Pregnant women
- Adults over 65
- Persons with chronic medical conditions (such as Diabetes Mellitus)
- Persons with chronic respiratory illnesses (such as Asthma)
Members of the public are advised to call the health centres in their area for flu vaccination schedules and other related information.
The Ministry will continue to closely monitor the supply and distribution of influenza vaccines to ensure that there is adequate supply to meet demand. The Ministry of Health remains committed to ensuring the health and well being of the population through the provision of the best possible service to the public.