The Ministry of Education continues to partner with the Ministry of Health and other stakeholders to ensure an intense sanitisation process at the Fifth Company Baptist School.
A medical team comprising two medical doctors, two public health officials, three nurses from the Indian Walk Health Facility and other medical personnel visited the school on Tuesday 19th March, 2019 where they met stakeholders, parents, teachers and students and shared information on what is being done to ensure that the compound remains safe for occupation.
Dr. the Honourable Lovell Francis, Minister of State in the Ministry of Education also attended the meeting with the medical team and stakeholders. He advised the Ministry has taken a decision to close the school for the rest of the week as a precautionary measure, while the school continues to be sanitised. He also promised additional support to assist in the process.
Representatives from the National Maintenance Training and Security Company Limited (MTS) and Innovative Security Services were also present and offered assistance with the cleaning exercise.
School Supervision will continue to monitor the students’ well-being by liaising with the Ministry of Health officials, while the Principal will monitor the sanitisation process and provide daily updates.
An Infant One (1) female student died at the San Fernando General Hospital on Friday 15th March, 2019 of suspected Meningitis after she was hospitalised on Monday 11th March, 2019.
A team of medical personnel from the Princes Town District Health Facility visited the school on Monday where they met with the staff and implemented all public health safety measures. The medical team has described their investigations as a working diagnosis and has not pronounced on the origin of the suspected disease.