Almost twenty years ago, the last Friendly Society was registered, but on Wednesday January 23, 2019, the St. Matthew Friendly Society broke that streak. Friendly Societies have been losing its appeal over the past few years as several of these Societies have closed its doors due to their inability to attract new membership which is required to sustain its continuity. Also, as there is now a wider range of institutions providing financial services targeted at a younger demographic, Friendly Societies now seem like a thing of the past. However, the St Matthew Friendly Society dispelled that belief when they became the first organization to register as a Friendly Society since the 29th January 1999.
The St Matthew Friendly Society was registered by Ms. Zelica Haynes Soo Hon, Registrar of Friendly Societies at the Ministry’s Friendly Societies Division located on 50-54 Duke Street Port of Spain. This Friendly Society was established to support and assist students, parents, teachers and other staff of the Boissiere R.C. School. The Society has committed to a three tiered approach of support: - to the students financially, spiritually and/or by the provision of equipment or other facilities; to the teachers through the provision of training, equipment and or other facilities and to the parents financially, mentally and/or otherwise agreed to by the Society. Their Office can be found at #1 Boissiere Village, Maraval and if you would like further information about the Society, you can contact the Vice President Mr Lydon Forbes at 343-7908.
A Friendly Society is an incorporated, unlimited body of persons who join together to achieve a common financial or social purpose or both. It promotes social interaction among its members, encourage high moral values and respect in the community. Friendly Societies have been in existence since the early Nineteenth (19th) Century. Congratulations and best wishes to the St Matthew Friendly Society which will receive guidance and supervision from the members of the Advisory Friendly Societies Council.
For further information, please contact the Corporate Communications Unit:
Tel: 625-8478 Ext. 1211, 1208, 1203 or email: