The Ministry of Health offers its sincere condolences to the Diego Martin family of the 71-year-old woman, who died on Monday 4th March, 2019.
The report from the North West Regional Health Authority (NWRHA), based on the autopsy findings, indicates that the patient did not die as a result of an inadequate supply of blood.
The Ministry advises the population that the National Blood Bank of Trinidad and Tobago, with responsibility to conduct communicable disease screening on all blood and blood products for the country, was fully operational during the entire Carnival period and operates on a 24hr, 7 days a week schedule.
It should be noted that:
- Most major public hospitals keep an internal supply of blood for emergency use
- If this supply is depleted or a specific blood type is required then a request is made to the National Blood Bank for additional supply.
- The required blood type was available at the National Blood Bank for required use in this instance.
- The patient was given blood from the internal blood supply of the Port of Spain General Hospital. No formal request was made to the National Blood Bank for additional blood for this patient.
The Port of Spain Blood Donation Centre was closed during the carnival period due to its proximity to major carnival activities. This is not an emergency service and does not affect the ability of hospitals, private and public, to source blood from the National Blood Bank.
The standard operating hours of the Port of Spain Blood Donation Centre are Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm. and on Saturdays from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm.
The Ministry of Health assures the population of its commitment to providing an adequate supply of blood to the population and encourages the persons to voluntarily donate blood at any of our national blood donation centres.
Blood Donation Centre
#4 Charlotte Street
Opposite Memorial Park, Port of Spain
Phone: (868)-623-8250, (868)-624-7524
Blood Donation Centre
Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex
Champs Fleurs
Phone: (868)-645-2640 ext. 2008
Blood Donation Centre
San Fernando General Hospital
Phone: (868)-652-1121
Blood Donation Centre
Sangre Grande General Hospital
Katwaroo Trace Entrance
Sangre Grande
Phone: (868) 668-2468/2288 ext. 147
Blood Donation Centre
Scarborough General Hospital,
Phone: (868)-660-4744 ext., 3098