Assalamu Alaikum. Inna lilahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon. To the Almighty we belong and to Him we return.
With a heavy heart, I express my deepest condolences for the passing of my close spiritual guide, friend and brother in Islam, Maulana Mushtaq Ahmad Sulaimani.
He will be remembered for his wisdom and guidance in all matters. He time and again gave me counsel in my lowest points and throughout my life on how best to serve the Almighty. He lived his life in worship to Almighty Allah (swt) serving joyfully and unreservedly. I value every lesson that he has imparted to me and my heart is light in thinking that his suffering has ended and he has entered into Jannah.
Maulana Sulaimani was a mentor and role model to Muslim Brothers and Sisters across Trinidad and Tobago. Hailing originally from Pakistan, he came to Trinidad and made it his home with a seamless adaptation to our diverse culture and people. He taught the word of Islam in every corner of the country, and his wisdom was felt by all with whom he communicated.
My beloved Imam and friend, I pray that Almighty Allah (swt) grants you forgiveness and a place in the Highest Heaven, Jannatul Firdaus. May you have this honour of a place among the most righteous, just as you shone righteously on this Earth.
You shall be remembered on the lips of many a Muslim Brother and Sister as we recite our Duas and we shall keep your family in our minds and hearts. May Almighty Allah (swt) grant them strength and comfort just as he has granted you final rest.