Special education is the provision of education for students with disabilities. Special education is most effective when a student's special needs are recognised, diagnosed and accommodated as early as possible. Special education is coordinated through the Student Support Services (SSS) Division of the Ministry of Education, which has the responsibility for Special Education throughout Trinidad and Tobago. The SSS provides:
- Auditory and visual screening
- Physical health intervention
- Psychomotor evaluation
- Diagnosis and remediation of learning and behavioural problems
The Division also provides support for physically and sensory challenged students, parental and family awareness and teacher education. Teams of service providers that include special education teachers, school psychologists, guidance officers, and school social workers have been placed throughout the school system to provide the most comprehensive services available.
In order to qualify for services, a child must require special education and related services due to his or her different abilities and learning style. In general, children with any of the following are eligible for Special Education:
- Autism
- Traumatic brain injury
- Mental retardation
- Emotional disturbance
- Specific learning disability
- Speech or language impairments
- Hearing impairments including deafness
- Visual impairment, including blindness and partially sighted
- Orthopaedic impairment
- Other health impairment
- Multiple disabilities
- Developmental delay
The goal of special education is to provide every child the opportunity to achieve his or her highest potential. Contact the Special Education Unit of SSS to find out about approved special education schools in your area.
Special Education Unit
Student Support Services Division (SSSD)
37 Wrightson Road,
Port of Spain.
Tel: (868) 625-9087, (868) 624-5015, (868) 624-7301
Opening hours: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays
List of Special Schools in Trinidad and Tobago
Association for the Deaf, Scarborough
Tel: 639-3582
Aspirare Learning Community
Principal: Mr. Joel Chryskarsten
HeadTeacher: Mr. Selwyn Paul Chryskarsten
Email: aspirarelearningcommunity@gmail.com
#11 Forres Avenue Cocoyea Village, San Fernando
Tel: 798-6668
Association for Development Education
7 Cassia Drive, Petit Valley
Tel: 633-0112
Audrey Jeffers Schools for the Deaf
Gopaul Lands, Marabella
Tel: 658-5479
Charis Works Christian Academy
Orange Grove Road, Tacarigua
Tel: 640-4640
Eche's Private School
105 Ariapita Avenue, Woodbrook
Tel: 622-7206
Goodwill Industries of the West Indies (Trinidad)
Chief Executive Officer: Barbara Olumide-Alleyne
9 Fitz Blackman Drive, Wrightson Road Extension, Port of Spain
Tel: 625-8867
Immortelle Children's Centre
34 Duke Street, Port Of Spain
LIFE Centre - Learning Is For Everyone
172 Theodore Hertzell Avenue, Petit Valley
Tel: 223-9736
KWAIS (Keisha Welcome and Associates Intervention Services) & KWAIS Children’sFoundation
10 Robertson Street, San Fernando
Tel: 289-0915/786-4513
Lady Hochoy Homes
Lady Hochoy Circle, Cocorite
Tel: 622-4714/622-4495
National Centre for Persons With Disabilities Ltd
7-21 New Street, San Fernando
Tel: 652-4880
New Beginnings Learning Center
#7 Cassia Drive, Petit Valley
Tel: 633-0112
Pointe A Pierre Government Special School
Bon Aventure Park, Pointe A Pierre
Tel: 658-4293
Princess Elizabeth School
101-103 Ariapita Avenue, Port Of Spain
Tel: 627-8176
Trinidad & Tobago National Association for Down Syndrome
2 Sydenham Avenue, St Ann’s
Wharton Patrick School
2A Sydenham Avenue, St Ann's
Tel: 623-1226