A Cabinet-appointed Committee to develop an Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Action Plan for Trinidad and Tobago held its inaugural meeting at the Ministry of Public Utilities on Friday June 7, 2019.
The committee, which comprises representatives of several Government Ministries and agencies, is mandated to develop an Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Action Plan for Trinidad and Tobago for the period 2019 – 2024, that covers all sectors of the economy involved in the use of energy.
The Government of Trinidad and Tobago is committed to developing and executing a full scale energy conservation and energy efficiency programme for the country in keeping with the National Development Strategy - Vision 2030, and the National Environment Policy.
Apart from the Ministry of Public Utilities, Committee representatives are drawn from the Ministries of Energy, Planning and Development, Works and Transport, Tourism, Public Administration and Trade and Industry. Other agencies represented on the committee are: the National Gas Company, the National Energy Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago, the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission, the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards, the Environmental Management Authority and the Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago.
At its initial meeting, several sub- committees were formed for the purposes of: examining and reporting on energy efficiency and conservation initiatives being implemented internationally; global standards of energy efficiency; energy efficiency for the transportation sector; and where Trinidad and Tobago should be positioned over time as it relates to energy efficiency.
Public Utilities Minister Senator Robert Le Hunte, in addressing the Committee, remarked that a coordinated approach to energy conservation could result in a win-win situation for both citizens and country at large.
He noted that apart from the economic benefits, the environment will also benefit from reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Minister Le Hunte added that a comprehensive education programme was needed to change citizens’ attitudes as they relate to energy conservation.
The promotion of energy efficiency and energy conservation across all sectors has the potential to boost economic growth and enhance prosperity, support social development and advance environmental sustainability.
The Committee will conduct its work over a period for three months, following which its report will be submitted to the Minister of Public Utilities and then to Cabinet.