Port-of-Spain:The Office of the Prime Minister (Gender, Child Affairs and National Aids Coordination) officially launched its Employee for a Day Programme for Children from secondary schools. The Programme provides a one day internship experience for children between the ages of 15 to 18 years. The Programme runs from July 10 to 17, 2019. The experience aims to motivate young males and females to actively pursue positive careers and postsecondary options. It also seeks to:
introduce teenagers to particular types of professions and the professional work environment;
facilitate self-esteem building among young boys and girls;
create an awareness of interpersonal skills necessary for success in the workplace;
create an awareness of employer-valued skills such as teamwork and effective communication; and
expose teenagers to professional behaviours expected to succeed in the workplace.
Approximately ninety (90) students from twelve (12) schools were invited to participate and will be assigned mentors for the day within the Divisions of the Office of the Prime Minister. Students will participate in structured activities for the period which will expose them to the inner workings of each profession. It is envisioned that these activities would support their efforts in choosing a career path.
At the official launch the Honourable Ayanna Webster-Roy, Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister encouraged students to “trust the process and follow you heart and passion”. Minister Webster-Roy also shared her experience as a student and how she discovered her purpose to serve people within her community and the nation during her early career/formative years.
The Office of the Prime Minister expressesthanksto the parents, principals, teachers and students for partnering with us to make this initiative a success.