A meeting with the Honourable Faris Al-Rawi, M.P., Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, and, Assan Ali (Commonwealth Secretariat CVE Unit), Richard Barrett, Paul Jordan, Amarnath Amarasingam (Global Strategy Network) and Deputy British High Commissioner Caroline Alcock was held yesterday for discussions on the international best practices and key concepts such as returning terrorists fighters, counter terrorism financing and preventing the exploitation of social media and digital spaces in violent extremism in Trinidad and Tobago and the wider CARICOM region. The meeting took place at the Ministry of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs, AGLA Tower, Government Campus Plaza, corner London and Richmond Streets, Port of Spain.
This is part of a three-day capacity building workshop to raise awareness of current trends and contemporary challenges in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) hosted by the CARICOM Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (IMPACS) in collaboration with the Commonwealth Secretariat's CVE Unit.
A key objective “is building capacity of stakeholders to develop innovative responses, while promoting the protection of freedom of expression, privacy and other fundamental freedoms."