The Ministry of Works and Transport (the Ministry) wishes to advise that the public is invited to review a draft Policy Document for the amendment of the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, Ch. 48:50 (MVRT Act) to introduce a Disabled/Accessible Parking System for Persons with Disabilities in Trinidad and Tobago.
This policy is one of the latest initiatives in keeping with the Ministry's commitment toward modernising of the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Laws of Trinidad and Tobago. In short, the policy proposes to introduce a Disabled/Accessible Parking Permit system and to regulate the parking privileges for eligible holders of such permits for use at on-street parking (roadside) and off-street parking facilities.
The policy’s proposals seek to ensure that there are standardized policies for the issuance of permits, the use and regulation of parking facilities for persons with disabilities and that the law is uniformly enforced in a fair and reasonable manner.
Accordingly, the public is invited to review the draft policy document on the Ministry’s website ( under the heading "The Introduction of a Disabled Parking System in Trinidad and Tobago" and submit comments anonymously to the Ministry of Works and Transport.