May 31, 2016: The Honourable Anthony Garcia, Minister of Education, is assuring parents and students that measures have been taken to ensure safety in schools in light of a voice note circulating on mobile messaging app “Whats App” on claims of a potential threat of an ISIS attack. He said, “I want to assure that everything is in place for the exams. There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. I have spoken to the Minister of National Security and he has assured me that everything is in place to make sure that our children are able to write the exams without any disruption or fear in their minds.”
Minister Garcia added that the matter had been reported to the relevant authorities for further investigation and there will be school as usual. He reported that on Monday 30th May 2016, the Ministry of Education’s Security Manager met with Assistant Commissioner of Police Wayne Boyd and Assistant Superintendent of Police Joseph Edwards at the Police Administration Building on Sackville Street, Port of Spain. Also in attendance was MTS Security Manager St. Clair O’Neal. Arising out of the meeting, plans have been put in place to ensure there is no disruption during this week’s CSEC and CAPE examinations.
Minister Garcia said all Principals have been instructed to be on the lookout for any incident/s that may cause disruption, and explained that one of the major responsibilities of school principals, according to the Education Act is to ensure the safety of all those who operate within the school system.
He reiterated he is confident that there will be no breach in security. He said, “All security measures are in place so that in the event there is any truth to these rumours, we will be prepared. You have absolutely nothing to fear or to believe that would cause any undue stress to the exams.”
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Ministry of Education