It is that time of the year when the Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) component of our schools’ curriculum takes center stage. This was evident on Wednesday morning when past winners of the Junior Calypso Monarch entertained many at the launch of the Trinbago Unified Calypsonians' Organisation (TUCO)/First Citizens Junior Calypso Monarch 2020 at the VIP Lounge of the Queen’s Park Savannah.
Addressing the launch, the Honourable Anthony Garcia, Minister of Education outlined the versatility of Calypso. “It is important for us, as educators, to be reminded always, that Calypso and culture are very important. In fact, in any country, one of the underpinnings of the society, is its culture and a very important aspect of the culture of Trinidad & Tobago is the Steel Pan and Calypso. You can use Calypso to teach Poetry and Essay Writing in our schools, we can use Calypso to talk about the Geography of our country. There are so many areas that Calypso can offer us that we must always pay homage to Calypso and our Calypsonians,” said Minister Garcia.
The Education Minister expressed appreciation for the collaboration between TUCO and First Citizens Bank, who renewed their sponsorship agreement for another five (5) years. ‘I want to show appreciation for the work that has been done by TUCO and I want to pledge the Ministry of Education’s support to TUCO in ensuring that calypso remains on the front burner of our cultural offerings in this country. Whatever assistance in our capacity as educators and as a Ministry of Education we can give, I want to assure the President of TUCO that we will do it. Said Minister Garcia.
Quoting from the Mighty Sparrow’s song ‘Education”, Minister Garcia literally begged the students in attendance to pay special attention to their education because education can take them out of poverty.