The Minister of Labour and Small Enterprise Development presented Instruments of Appointments to the Board Members of the National Entrepreneurship Development Company (NEDCO) at the Ministry’s 6th Floor Conference Room at Tower C, International Waterfront Centre, Port of Spain on Wednesday, January 22, 2020.
Mr. Clarry Benn, former Executive Director of the Unit Trust Corporation returns as the Chairman, having served in this capacity over the last four years. During its previous tenure, the Board identified several priority areas including the review of the operations of the NEDCO. This led to the development of a robust plan to transform and restructure the business and financial models of NEDCO as well as its image and culture into a more vibrant organisation while ensuring that the reporting policies, partnerships and approach to risk management were strengthened.
Minister Baptiste-Primus expressed her high expectations for the Board to continue the current trajectory toward a more efficient and productive NEDCO and to continue to bolster the entrepreneurial spirit within citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. The recent launch of the Business Accelerator Programme by the NEDCO paved the way for new and renewed partnerships. The Minister of Labour and Small Enterprise Development, Senator the Honourable Jennifer Baptiste-Primus placed the continuation of these partnerships as priority items for the newly appointed members to the NEDCO Board.
Minister Baptiste-Primus emphasised her personal commitment and that of the Ministry to work with the Board in order to ensure the fulfilment of its mandate.