June 3, 2016: The Minister of Finance, the Honourable Colm Imbert, has taken note of concerns expressed by members of the Protective Services regarding payment of arrears of salary (i.e. backpay) and wishes to advise that the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance, has been directed to instruct all relevant Government Departments and Agencies to immediately process all outstanding payments, and not wait on releases before commencing the processing of these payments.
The Minister also wishes to confirm that the required funding to make the 50% payment at the end of June 2016 has been sourced.
Accordingly, it is now up to the relevant Departments and Agencies, such as the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service, the Ministry of National Security, the Ministry of Health and the Regional Health Authorities, among others, to diligently complete the paperwork required to make the payments. The Ministry of Finance will be closely monitoring this situation over the coming weeks.
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The Corporate Communications Unit
Ministry of Finance
868-627-9700 ext.