June 16, 2016: Trinidad and Tobago hopes to be on Winners’ Row, once again, at the Annual Poster Competition organised by the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA). Intending to expose the nation’s youth to the cruise industry and to the many benefits of that industry to our national economy, the theme of this year’s poster competition was “Reuse, Recycle... Renew the Caribbean” and students were encouraged to design and create a poster that promotes environmental awareness.
On June 15, 2016 the Honourable Shamfa Cudjoe, the Minister of Tourism, distributed prizes to the winners of the local leg of the competition. The Junior Division Winner (children aged 12 years and under) was won by Ellaina Clarissa Hannah Morris of the Chandernagore Primary School in Edinburgh Chaguanas, who coined the phrase “BE THE SOLUTION TO POLLUTION” for her poster. Zarah Morrison of Caribbean Union College took away the Senior Division prize (children aged 13-16 years).
Both Zarah Morrison and Ellaina Morris will now advance to the final round of the competition. In addition to cash prizes, both Ellaina and Zarah will have the opportunity to tour a cruise vessel visiting Trinidad.
Before distributing the prizes to the talented winners, Minister Cudjoe explained that this poster competition “afforded youths the opportunity to lend their voices and talents to one of the Caribbean's most talked about issues – that of environmental protection. While other industries are faltering, Caribbean tourism grew by an estimated seven per cent to 28.7 million visits, much higher than the projected four to five per cent. This performance was above the global rate of growth, which the UN agency, the World Tourism Organisation quotes at 4.4%. We want to get school students in Trinidad and Tobago more involved in tourism and encourage them to develop their talents so as engender positive development and change within their communities”.
Mrs. Greer Assam, Cruise Specialist at the Tourism Development Company (TDC), noted that the overall quality of submissions in the Junior and Senior Divisions was quite high; with some 119 posters being submitted in the Junior Division. The local leg of the competition was judged based on the quality of the students’ creative depiction of the poster theme”.
It is not unusual for Trinidad and Tobago to produce winners, as almost every year some child or children from our islands receive awards from the FCCA either for placing first, second or third in the overall Competitions or for reaching the final round.
Competition is also on the way for the FCCA Essay Competition; the deadline for submission of entries being June 24, 2016. The essay topic is “If you were a cruise passenger, what would you want to see and do in a destination”.
Winning poster in the Junior Division (Children Aged 12 years and under) of the local leg of the FCCA Annual Poster Competition.
For further information please contact:
The Corporate Communications Unit
Ministry of Tourism
868-624-1403 Ext. 248