August 3, 2016: A date which would forever be lodged in the memory of Kim Cameron, Johnelle Weekes, Frederick De Vignes, Joseph John and their respective families is Friday July 22, 2016. On this day tragedy struck these four families as their home located at Upper Laventille Road, Laventille was destroyed by fire leaving a total of fourteen persons displaced. They were unable to salvage anything as everything was lost in the fire. Neither victim was able to inform as to what started the fire.
Following the incident, a representative from each of the families visited the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services where they sought assistance. The Ministry successfully aided the families by providing Temporary TT Cards. Further, the families were provided with information on how they can access other grants available through the Ministry such as the furniture and appliance grant and the clothing grant.
As the families yearn to return to a place of comfort, they have gained assistance from friends and families who have allowed the victims to stay with them in the interim. The Manager of the Main People’s Issues Resolution Coordinating Unit (M PIRCU), Asauph Ghany, guided the families through the administrative processes involved in acquiring further long-term assistance from the Ministry. Additionally, he advised the representatives of the families to visit the Ministry’s Social Welfare sub-office in San Juan for further support in their path to recovery.
For further information please contact:
The Corporate Communications and Education Unit
Ministry of Social Development and Family Services
868-623-2608 EXT. 5402
Ministry of Social Development and Family Services
868-623-2608 EXT. 5402