August 10, 2016: On Saturday 6th August, 2016, the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services participated in an outreach hosted by Minister of Health and Member of Parliament for St Joseph, the Honourable Terrence Deyalsingh at the Quarry Drive Community Centre.
The Ministry, which is mandated to provide a range of services to help, empower and transform the lives of Trinidad & Tobago’s most vulnerable citizens was present to inform, educate and sensitize residents and visitors of the suite of programmes and services including the Geriatric Adolescent Partnership Programme, Multi-Purpose-Community-Based Telecentre, TT Card, Public Assistance and Disability Assistance Grants, the Targeted Conditional Cash Transfer Programme (TT Card) and information on services provided for the elderly under the Division of Ageing and on assistance for minor house repairs, improved water supply and house wiring under the National Social Development Programme (NSDP) was also made available
Community Based Organisation, the Champs Fleurs Togetherness Group, which aims to improve values within the community and raise funds for central projects were able to access the necessary information about funding through the Ministry’s Regional Micro Fund Project (RMPF).
Conclusively the event was rendered useful by participating community members as it is expected that the quality and quantity of information dispersed would be no doubt positively impacting.
Photo Caption: Waliya Maillard of the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services informs attendees about the services offered by the Ministry.
For more information please contact:
Colonial Life Building
39-43 St. Vincent Streeet
Port of Spain
Tel: 868-623-2608