September 27, 2016: ‘There is a need for more collaboration between the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce (TTCIC) and the Ministry of Trade and Industry as we seek to focus on growing the capabilities and export capacity of our local medium sized businesses’. This was a call made by Senator the Honourable Paula Gopee-Scoon, Minister of Trade and Industry during a meeting with incoming Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the TTCIC, Mr. Gabriel Faria and Ms. Catherine Kumar, outgoing CEO, TTCIC on Friday 23 September, 2016.
Minister Gopee-Scoon, during the discussions, emphasized the need for local financial institutions to be more supportive of local entrepreneurs. She affirmed the Ministry’s support through relevant platforms and programmes facilitated by ExporTT given that agency’s mandate to build the export capacity and competitiveness of domestic companies.
Mr. Faria indicated that the TTCIC intended to utilise the skills bank of its membership tomentor smaller companies and confirmed its willingness to partner with the Government through various initiatives to ensure the growth of local businesses.
Ms. Kumar stated that ‘there are opportunities for our local manufacturers/ businesses but we now need to work on building capacity to take advantage of it’. The outgoing CEO thanked the Minister for the support of the Ministry of Trade and Industry to the Chamber over the years. Minister Gopee-Scoon expressed appreciation to Ms. Kumar for her excellent work and contribution to the growth and development of the private sector in Trinidad and Tobago.
Trade Minister in discussions during the meeting.
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The Corporate Communications Unit
Ministry of Trade and Industry
868-623-2931 ext 2722