November 2, 2016: On November 1, the Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, Senator the Honourable Clarence Rambharat delivered the Feature Address at the 2nd Annual Career and Achievement Day of the Mayaro Government Primary School. He told the students and high achievers all dressed up in the wear of their profession of choice that ‘costuming is a very important part of your career’. The students were dressed up as nurses, doctors, teachers, principals, firemen, police officers, lawyers, archeologists, bakers. The Minister shared with the students that priests, pundits and Imams are also noble professions, saying that ‘this is an important vocation; it is an important career to help sustain us in this country’. He called on the parents and teachers to train and guide their children to fill the need in ‘new careers’ including forensic pathology and agriculturalists; saying that they need to plan ‘not for what currently exists, but plan for what is in the future’. He also shared that ‘we need to prepare our children for continuous learning’.
Senator Rambharat addressed the challenges currently being faced in Mayaro, specific to the need to ensure that students are properly schooled in Standards One and Two, which is a critical foundation in the education system that properly prepares them for their entry into Secondary School. ‘There is a need to place sufficient emphasis on providing the fundamentals of education in Math and English’; and this calls for teachers and parents to ‘find more exciting, interesting and innovative ways to teach our students’. He included in his Address a word of caution to educators that ‘it is very important that we strike a healthy balance between education and sport’.
Holding up as examples of success, the Minister shared with the students that four sitting Ministers of Government are from the area; they include Minister Kazim Hosein, Minister Maxie Cuffie, Minister Franklyn Khan and himself.
Twenty-six (26) students, from First Year to Standard Four, were honoured for achieving 90% and above over the past three terms. The students were presented with Certificates of Honour, being placed on the Principal’s Honour Roll for Outstanding Academic Performance.
Mr. Andy Paul, Principal told the student population of four hundred and eighty, along with representing parents that ‘we intent to make this school the best school in the South-Eastern educational district’.
The Career Day also included displays from various institutions, including the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries; Eastern Regional Health of Authority; Police Service; Agricultural Development Bank (ADB). Also in attendance were Member of Parliament Mayaro, Mr. Rushton Paray and Mr. Joseph Jacob of the University of the West Indies were also in attendance.
Minister Rambharat with a student of the Mayaro Government Primary School.
A teacher presents the Certificate to one of her students.
Agriculture Minister examines a honey sample at the Agriculture Ministry booth display.
A young ‘police officer’
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