November 18, 2016:
The Elections and Boundaries Commission (the Commission) and its Department wish to address the issues that have been bought into the public domain as a result of the “Notice of Taking a Poll” publication in the Daily Express on Wednesday 16th November, 2016.
This publication is a statutory requirement intended to inform the public of the following;
a. the day on which and the hours during which the poll will be taken;
b. the location of each polling station;
c. the name and address and the occupation of each candidate nominated for election as given in his nomination paper, and the symbol assigned to him.
Subsequent to the publication of this statutory notice, the Commission was informed of a number of inaccuracies therein. The Commission and its Department have since conducted a review of the publication and concluded that incorrect party symbols were recorded next to the names of candidates in respect of four (4) Electoral Districts viz. St. James West; Rochard/ Barrackpore East; Reform/Manahambre and Otaheite/Rousillac. The Commission and its Department deeply regret this error and apologize for any confusion and inconvenience caused.
Concerns have also been expressed about the names of several candidates as being incorrectly recorded. The Commission and its Department confirm that the names of all candidates as published were in congruence with the information as recorded on the respective nomination forms.
Further, the Commission and its Department wish to advise that information in respect of all one hundred and thirty seven electoral districts were in fact published. The relevant information in respect of the eight electoral districts in the Tunapuna/Piarco Electoral Area, which it was claimed had not been published, did in fact appear on pages 74-77 of the newspaper.
The Commission and its Department wish to assure the public that they shall continue to discharge their duties with the highest degree of probity.
Ramesh Nanan
Chief Election Officer
Elections and Boundaries Commission
For further information, please contact:
Manager, Corporate Communications
Elections and Boundaries Commission
Tel: (868) 623-8320/4622