December 14, 2016: Senator the Honourable Clarence Rambharat, Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries led a series of meetings and site visits with affected fisherfolk and farmers of Matelot, St Helena and Grande Rivierre on Tuesday December 13, 2016. The series of meetings and visits were facilitated by Mr. Terry Rondon, Chairman of the Toco/Sangre Grande Regional Corporation.
The first stop was at the Matelot Fishing Facility where the Minister and his team interacted with fisherfolk who suffered damages to their nets, boats and engines caused by recent rough seas and got a first-hand look at the extend of the damages done. Minister Rambharat then addressed a larger audience at the St Helena Community Centre where he assured that ‘the Fisheries Officer will do the paperwork for the claims; and on Friday they will return to ensure that no one was left out. We also have some claims from the farmers who have experienced some significant damage’. Senator Rambharat also noted that the purpose of his and his team’s visit was to ‘assess damages and needs, and assist residents with compensation claims and other relief.’ Later on, the Agriculture Minister met with another affected group in Grand Rivierre. He and his team toured the area with two farmers who directed their attention to the extent of damages to their various fields.
Adding his words of encouragement to the affected residents, Mr. Rondon said of the Minister, ‘this Minister is a man who knows about the struggle!’; furthernoting that it ‘is my [personal] duty is to get what is due to you’, the affected residents.
On the drive up, Ministry of Works and Transport and Regional Corporation workers and contractors were seen repairing the extensive damages to the roadways.
Accompanying the Minister were Mr. J. Andre Laveau, Deputy Permanent Secretary; and representatives of Engineering, Fisheries, Regional Administration North and Forestry Divisions.
Minister of Agriculture listens attentively to the concerns addressed by fisherfolk.
Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, Senator the Honourable Clarence Rambharat (right) has a first-hand view of damages in the Matelot and Grand Riverre areas.
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Communications and Events Unit
Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries