March 13, 2017: Brian Benoit is quickly becoming a name to remember in Trinidad and Tobago. Benoit is the developer of ‘Legends of Panderica’ an interactive animated series and book for youth. The project was officially launched at the Ministry of Planning and Development’s CARIRI Centre for Enterprise Development, Freeport on February 10, 2017.
The Ministry of Planning and Development initially met the Benoit Academy of Steel Pan through the Idea to Innovation (I2I) 2014 programme. I2I was a flagship project of the Council for Competiveness and Innovation under the Economic Development Board now the Economic Development Advisory Board (EDAB). Via the I2I arrangements Benoit was awarded yearlong support through the CARIRI Enterprise Development Centre. It was here that Benoit was provided with technical, procurement and project monitoring expertise to proof of concept status. After achieving proof to concept status, marketing the project was the next major hurdle faced by the developer. However, Benoit approached CARIRI in 2016 through its Idea Advisory Service (IAS) platform.
CARIRI’s Idea Advisory Service (IAS) platform conducted vigorous market research and provided direct feedback that led to the conclusion that the Panimation project and its use of animation was an excellent way to educate and bring interest to the steelpan. As an organic flow, the most practical next step was to develop and launch a storybook with an interactive website.
Nine (9) months later, Benoit’s product is ready for the market. According Benoit, the Panimation Project entitled ‘Legends of Panderica’ to date has sold over 70 storybooks, charts and the website is live. Website link (
The interactive website ‘The World of Panderica’ takes the visitor to the land of steelpan telling stories of the evolution of steelpan, illustrated through the use of steelpan characters. The series is not only entertaining but also educational where mathematics, language and other subject areas. Benoit skillfully uses the steel pan characters in what he calls Panimation, to articulate good values such as perseverance and morals in the hope of inspiring children to become all that they can be. However, paramount to all Benoit wants the project to get youth interested in the Steel Pan instrument as Panimation brings to life the rudiments of the National Instrument of Trinidad and Tobago through fun and creativity.
In light of its market interest Panimation was seen as a good fit for one of a series of diagnostic scoping studies conducted by CARIRI as part of International Development Bank’s (IDB) project Improving the Performance of SMEs through the Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). CARIRI hopes to continue working with Brian Benoit and his team through CARIRI’s Business Incubator programme where additional business development support in a customized manner will be offered.
For further information please contact:
The Corporate Communications Unit
Ministry of Planning and Development
868-612-9700 ext 2173