April 18, 2016: Last Sunday, residents and visitors alike to Bon Air Gardens, Arouca, Maloney and environs were exposed to an outreach activity which was hosted by the MP for the area, the Honourable Camille Robinson-Regis, where the focus was on bringing social services to the residents of these parts of East Trinidad.
The Ministry of Social Development and Family Services was one of the targeted Ministries for this initiative. The Ministry, which is mandated to provide a range of services to help, empower and transform the lives of Trinidad & Tobago’s most vulnerable citizens was present to inform, educate and sensitize residents and visitors of the suite of programmes and services it provides.
Most of the residents visiting the Ministry’s booth were grateful for the information and took the opportunity to update their records with the Ministry. Persons were also able to have a one on one with the Officers to present their particular cases, issues and questions for which much advice was provided.
Among the programmes and services offered by the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services during the Fair were:
• Senior Citizens’ Pension
• Public Assistance and Disability Assistance Grants
• The Targeted Conditional Cash Transfer Programme (TT Card)
• Information on services provided for the elderly under the Division of Ageing and on assistance for minor house repairs, improved water supply and house wiring under the National Social Development Programme (NSDP) was also made available
Other participating Ministries and agencies included, the Ministry of Public Utilities, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, The Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Finance Company and the National Commission for Self Help Limited (NCSHL). The Ministry of Social Development and Family Services was pleased to be part of this outreach initiative where information on services and accessing these was taken to those who need it the most.
For further information please contact:
The Communications Unit
Ministry of Social Development and Family Services
868-623-2608 Ext. 5405