Public Utilities Minister Senator Robert Le Hunte says statements of planned dismissals at WASA by two trade unions are premature at this time.
Since assuming office the Minister has given a mandate to all the respective Boards of the Utilities under his purview to explore ways of improving efficiencies, and reducing their dependence on the state.
The Minister notes that WASA has a revenue /expenditure imbalance, with expenditure amounting to three and a half times the revenue it generates.
Minister Le Hunte says given the country’s current financial position, it cannot be business as usual. Therefore, the conversation among all stakeholders, the unions included, has to focus on increasing the efficiencies at WASA and reducing expenses in order to correct the imbalance between revenue and expenditure.
WASA’s present labour force is 5,151 employees. Minister Le Hunte notes, the Utility’s overtime costs amount to approximately 200 million dollars. Staff benefits also amount to another 200 million dollars, with a similar amount being spent on contract labour. Minister Le Hunte says the conversation about WASA staff loads precludes the current administration.
Minister Le Hunte noted that between 2012 to 2015, some 2, 352 employees benefitted from a VSEP programme offered by the Utility which cost the State close to 400 million dollars financed by a loan which the country is still repaying.
He notes the current staff levels are back up to where they were prior to the VSEP offer, and says no organization can continue on that financial trajectory, adding that staff costs represent only one of the areas of expenditure in the organization.
The Public Utilities Minister re-iterated his commitment to dialogue with all stakeholders, and welcomes the opportunity to meet with the Unions, as he has done with the OWTU in the case of T&TEC, with a view to exploring options for increasing efficiencies. Minister Le Hunte has also extended an invitation to the head of the PSA in this regard.
The Public Utilities Minister says an efficient WASA will benefit all the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago.