April 28, 2016: Tobago is getting a new produce packing house facility at Shaw Park.
It has not yet been officially commissioned, but more than 80 people have visited the facility as part of a workshop on Fresh Produce Safety.
The participants also learnt about proper pre- and post-harvesting practices and the prevention of food-borne illnesses.
Post-harvest technologist at the Division of Agriculture, Marine Affairs, Marketing and the Environment, Ms. Sandra Williams said it’s important to ensure food reaching consumers is up to a high standard.
“The nutritive value is very important to health,” Williams said, “and worldwide, people are moving towards healthy living. “If the primary processors and the agro-processors could follow the right system, the right technique, keeping the produce safe and keeping it at a high quality, then they’ll retain that nutritive value and it will pass on to the consumer.”
Williams believes the workshop will ensure that quality food prepared and processed in Tobago will meet even higher standards once the packing house opens.
For further information please contact:
Department of Information
Office of the Chief Secretary
Tobago House of Assembly
868-639-3421 ext. 5019