Stakeholders responsible for the provision of Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief are participating in a four-day training workshop aimed at enhancing national capabilities for effective and efficient humanitarian supply chain management in crisis events.
The training workshop entitled “End to End (E2E) Supply Chain Management” is a collaborative effort between the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM), the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), and the Caribbean Disaster Management Agency (CDEMA). The forum facilitates a strengthening of networks and information sharing among stakeholders in the sector, as Government plans for the 2019 Hurricane Season.
Speaking at the Opening Ceremony today, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of National Security Mr. Vel Lewis noted that the four-day training workshop “falls right into alignment with the Ministry of National Security’s strong commitment to disaster management” adding that “the Ministry will continue to promote an integrated and robust Whole-Of-Government Approach to disaster risk management”. Permanent Secretary Lewis also expressed gratitude to the facilitators from the United Nations World Food Programme and the Caribbean Disaster Management Agency for sharing their technical expertise on the actions and procedures required for effective relief distribution.
Delivering remarks on behalf of the United Nations World Food Programme - the world’s largest humanitarian assistance agency – Mr. Frank Cawkwell, Project Manager, Caribbean Preparedness and Response, World Food Programme, thanked the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago for their support in organising the training and providing the venue through the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management. Mr. Cawkwell expressed his satisfaction that the workshop brings together not only the disaster management functions from participating countries, but also those working on social protection and food security programmes.
Mr. Mandela Christian, Programme Officer, Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) also extended thanks to the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Mr. Christian noted the lessons learnt from the 2017 Hurricane Season which severely affected parts of the Caribbean Region, stating that the training programme will treat specifically with mechanisms for packaging, distributing, monitoring and tracking relief supplies.
A cross-section of key organisations, responsible for the provision of Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief are participating in the workshop, including representatives from the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force (TTDF); the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM); the Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government and its various Regional Corporations; the Tobago House of Assembly (THA); the Customs and Excise Division; and the Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago.
The End to End (E2E) Supply Chain Management training workshop which takes place from 29 January, 2019 to 1st February, 2019 at the National Emergency Operations Centre in Mausica, will utilise a combination of theoretical discussions on international benchmarks, emergency response simulation exercises and practical field assessments.
Similar training programmes have also been conducted in Barbados and Jamaica and will soon be delivered in Antigua and Barbuda.