An accessible website for Persons with Disabilities and Sign Language Training were two of the many suggestions emanating out of the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services’ Public Information, Educational and Sensitization Session for the Trinidad and Tobago Association for Hearing Impaired (TTAHI) and other Deaf organizations. The session was held at the TTAHI on Tuesday 29th January, 2019.
The visit was planned in response to a request by the Association, given the increases in the value of several of the Ministry’s social welfare payments, including the Food Support Programme, Disability Assistance Grant and the introduction of the new Disability Assistance Grant for children with disabilities. Representatives of other Deaf Organizations included the Deaf Empowerment and Advancement Foundation, Deaf Sports Trinidad and Tobago and the L.I.F.E Centre.
Other issues/suggestions raised included:
- Parenting Workshops for parents of children with disabilities
- Live streaming of the National Family Services “Let’s Talk – It’s Family Time” Radio Programme.
- Opportunities for training and employment under the Geriatric Adolescent Partnership Programme
- The use of the Ministry’s National Enrichment Centre
The session included representatives of the Social Welfare and National Family Services Divisions, Disability Affairs Unit, Geriatric Adolescent Partnership Programme, NGO Unit and National Social Development Programme, where the SEED Programme as well as grants for housing repairs, sanitary plumbing and electrical wiring were highlighted.
In January 2017, the Ministry launched the Public Information, Educational and Sensitization Sessions with the aim of sharing information on the Ministry’s programmes and services and how these could be accessed. The Ministry will continue to engage its key stakeholders and the general public to ensure that the most vulnerable has all the information necessary to access the programmes, grants and services in an efficient and effective manner.