The country is being represented by the Minister of Trade and Industry Senator the Honourable Paula Gopee-Scoon, and five (5) member technical team at the Fourth World Trade Policy Review of Trinidad and Tobago in Geneva Switzerland from May 20-24, 2019. The contingent which also includes, the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry, Mr Norris Herbert, technical staff and representatives from Trinidad and Tobago’s Permanent Mission in Geneva, will ensure the country’s views on policy matters and responses are presented and considered during deliberations.
The trade policy review is conducted every six (6) years with Trinidad and Tobago’s the last review being held in 2012. The review focuses on Trinidad and Tobago’s trade policies and practices in addition to sector developments over the period 2012-2019.
The meeting will discuss Trinidad and Tobago’s adherence to World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules, disciplines and commitments made under multilateral and other trade agreements. The exercise is conducted within one of the highest organs of the WTO, the Trade Policy Review Body, which comprises all WTO members.
The Trade Policy Review Body determines whether countries are compliant with commitments and WTO multilateral agreements, provides an understanding of the trade policies and practices of members and assesses the effects of members’ trade policies on the world trading system. In preparation for this review the WTO Review team visited Trinidad and Tobago in January 2019 and consulted with local stakeholders in various ministries, agencies and private sector organisations. A country report prepared by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and WTO Report prepared by that organisation’s review team will form the basis of the review.