The United Kingdom (UK) on Monday 24 June, 2019 updated its travel advisory for Trinidad and Tobago, reflecting its assessment of a decreased terrorism threat in this country. The terrorist attack advisory for Trinidad and Tobago was downgraded from “very likely”. The UK informed Minister of National Security the Honourable Stuart R. Young M.P. that this downgrade was a direct result of the hard work that Trinidad and Tobago has done in the area of countering terrorism, including, but not limited to the setting up of “Team Nightingale”.
The UK notes in its advisory that most tourist visits have been trouble-free in the recent past. The UK also attributed this positive development to the sustained collaboration with the Government of Trinidad and Tobago.
In November 2017, the Government of Trinidad and Tobago signed a Memorandum of Understanding on security cooperation with the United Kingdom which included strengthening our bilateral efforts on countering terrorism in all its forms.
The Government of Trinidad and Tobago welcomes this endorsement by the United Kingdom, and looks forward to a continued bilateral relationship towards the safety and security of citizens, residents and visitors.