May 19, 2016: Celebrating 60 years of existence is a milestone that underscores the importance of the Charlotteville Library to its surrounding communities.
Head Librarian of Tobago Library Services, Ms. Helen Johnson said the library, which opened in 1956 has been a favourite spot for children from the area.
“The library has been a hub of activities,” Johnson said. “A lot of children come straight to the library after school, so we have been able to engage children in the love of reading; in the auditorium we have a lot of craft sessions for the children and other activities in the community.”
Celebrations started with a thanksgiving service on May 17 at the Library Auditorium.
On May 18, comedienne Nikki Crosby featured in a storytelling session at the Library, and on May 25, Lord Relator will headline a concert at the venue, which will include other performances from the village.
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